CMY Color Cube


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  • CMY color cube is a translucent acrylic cube with cyan, magenta, and yellow on each surface. As the angle is changed, the light through the cube mixes into green, red, blue, etc. When all three colors are mixed from the corner, you can see the most colors and a smaller cube is created inside the cube, which definitely blows everyone’s minds!
  • This 40mm cmy color cube is a great piece of décor for your office, your bedroom, living room, or anywhere else! It’ll create an artistic atmosphere which can not only loosen people’s nerves, but evoke their wildest imagination.
  • This cool cmy cube is not only an optical illusion cube, it is also a subtractive color mixing presentation cube, perfect for kids to to learn about color scheme.
  • Best for stress and anxiety relief and kill time. Look into the cmy cube and observe how the beautiful color changes, that will calm your restless mind and reduce stress.


CMYcube Acrylic Prism Color Cube Educational Gifts Office Desktop Decoration Science Learning Toys ZhuoChiMall
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